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Res. Asst. Betül Beyza CENGİL
Betül Beyza
Akademik Personel
Doktora, Üniversite Adı, Yıl
Bilkent University, Neuroscience (continues)
Tanımlayıcı Bilgi

Family Counseling master program coordinator


Betül Beyza Cengil graduated from Çankaya University Psychology undergraduate program as a high honor student in 2020, for which she won a full scholarship. Again in 2020, she accepted the Çankaya University Cognitive Psychology Master's program. Meanwhile, in 2021, she started to work as a research assistant at the Social Sciences University of Ankara. In 2023, she graduated from Çankaya University Cognitive Psychology Master's program as a high honor student and was accepted to the Bilkent University Neuroscience PhD program. She is continuing her education at Bilkent University.


Araştırma Alanları

Visual perception, neuroscience, false memory, memory processes, emotion


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