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Saliha Arabacı started her undergraduate education with a full scholarship in the Department of Psychology (English) at Istanbul Şehir University in 2016 and graduated from the Department of Psychology at Marmara University in 2021.
She is currently pursuing her master's degree in cognitive psychology in the Psychology (English) Master's Program at Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University.
Attention, visual perception and information processing, ensemble perception and summary statistical representations, autobiographical memory
Melis Gün Ertan graduated from Hacettepe University's Department of Psychology in 2016 with first place and completed the Clinical Psychology Master's programme at Hacettepe University in 2021. Since her undergraduate graduation, she worked as a psychologist at Kırklareli State Hospital and as a research assistant at Hacettepe University Psychology Department. She is currently continuing her PhD in the Department of Psychology at the University of Exeter. She is a doctoral scholarship holder of the Ministry of National Education sent abroad on behalf of our university.
Post-traumatic growth, prolonged grief disorder, traumatic loss, disaster and trauma psychology, post-traumatic stress disorder
Clinical psychology master and doctoral program coordinator
Sedanur Caydı graduated from TOBB University of Economics and Technology Psychology undergraduate programme in 2021. In the same year, she was accepted to Ankara Social Sciences University Clinical Psychology master's programme. Since February 2022, she started working as a research assistant.
Bereavement, grief, grounded theory
Dr. Bilge Yalçındağ completed her psychology undergraduate education at METU in 2005. She completed her master's and doctorate in social psychology at the same university in 2009 and 2015, respectively and carried out post-doctoral studies at UIC (University of Illinois at Chicago) in 2017-2018. After working as a part-time faculty member at various universities, she worked as a full-time faculty member in the psychology departments of Nuh Naci Yazgan University and Abdullah Gül University. In the 2023-2024 academic year, she is working at the department of psychology, ASBU.
Morality; self (self-models, self-regulation, authenticity in particular); psychology of women and sexism; positive psychology, in particular courage and hope; development of psychology literature (in particular social psychology) in Turkey; psychological misconceptions
Psychology of Gender
Statistics in Psychology (in Turkish and English)
Societal Impact
Orientation I: University Life & Scientific World
Digital Learning Platform Basic Transfer Elective II
Psychology in Social Settings
Digital Learning Platform Basic Transfer Elective I
Global Challenges: Sustainability
Psychology for Everyday Life
Global Challenges: Immigration & Population
Global Challenges: AGU Ways
Sosyal Psikoloji II
Psikolojiye Giriş I
İstatistik II
Ahlak Psikolojisinde Çağdaş Konular
Kültürel Psikoloji
Selected Topics in Psychology
Assoc. Prof. Meltem Anafarta Ş. has received her psychology undergraduate degree from METU in 1997. She received MSc. degree in 2000 and PhD. degree in 2007 in the field of Clinical Psychology at the same university. In her graduate years, by the scholarship of combined doctoral program granted by TUBITAK, she first visited AAI (Adult Attachment Interview) Institute, Bergen - Norway and then the Attachment lab in SUNY, Stony Brook-New York where she collaborated with Prof Everett and Harriet Waters. As a visiting scholar she both focused on various assessment techniques of attachment including observation, interviews, and projective materials and the utilization of these materials in clinical field. In the meantime, she completed the AAI training and received her certification from UCLA-Berkeley as reliable coder.
Anafarta Ş. has started her academic career in 1999 as a research assistant in METU-Psychology Department. Between 2006 - 2022, she worked as a full-time faculty at Ufuk University Psychology Department where she established her lab "Attachment Research in Clinical Psychology" and conducted research with volunteered and enthusiastic students. As of March 2023, she started to work as a full-time faculty in the Psychology Department of Social Sciences University of Ankara.
Assessment in clinical psychology, attachment traumas, mentalization, process of emotion regulation, eating disorders, bariatric surgery
Tolga Bükrük graduated from TOBB ETÜ Psychology Undergraduate Program (with full scholarship) in 2021 and TOBB ETÜ Clinical Psychology Master's Program (with full scholarship) in 2023. He is currently continuing his PhD program in Clinical Psychology at Hacettepe University.
In 2023, he started working as a Research Assistant at Social Sciences University of Ankara.
Health anxiety, looming cognitive style, cognitive vulnerabilities to anxiety disorders, group therapies
Family Counseling master program coordinator
Betül Beyza Cengil graduated from Çankaya University Psychology undergraduate program as a high honor student in 2020, for which she won a full scholarship. Again in 2020, she accepted the Çankaya University Cognitive Psychology Master's program. Meanwhile, in 2021, she started to work as a research assistant at the Social Sciences University of Ankara. In 2023, she graduated from Çankaya University Cognitive Psychology Master's program as a high honor student and was accepted to the Bilkent University Neuroscience PhD program. She is continuing her education at Bilkent University.
Visual perception, neuroscience, false memory, memory processes, emotion
Sahra Tekin burslu olarak okuduğu Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birligi Üniversitesi psikoloji bölümünden 2018 yılında mezun oldu. 2020 yılında Royal Holloway University of London'da klinik psikoloji yüksek lisans eğitimini şeref öğrencisi olarak tamamladı. 2021 yılından beri University College London (UCL)'da psikiyatri bölümünde doktora yapmaya devam etmektedir. 2022 yılında, UCL ödeneği ile gittiği Yale University, School of Public Health'te üç ay boyunca ziyaretçi araştırmacı olarak çalıştı. Burada dahil olduğu Yale University-Trauma& Mental Health Lab, ve RISK (Resilience in Survivors of Katrina) Research Group ile akademik işbirlikleri hala devam etmektedir. Ayrıca UCL'de 2021 yılının mayıs ayından beri araştırma ve öğretim görevlisi olarak çalışmaktadır.
Akademinin yanı sıra, Türkiye'de farklı devlet hastanelerinde ve İngiltere'de South West London and St George Travmatik Stress Kliniğinde çalıştı. Hâlâ klinik çalışmalarına da devam etmektedir.
Mesleki travma, travma sonrası stress bozukluğu, afet ve travma psikolojisi, dolaylı ve ikincil travma, kişilik bozuklukları
Assistant Coordinator of the Disability Center
Co-Director of the Psychosocial Development Lab.
Dr. F. Zehra Allahverdi was born in New York. She completed her undergraduate degree at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Albany both in Psychology and English Literature and completed her minor in Education. She completed her master's degree (Educational Psychology and Methodology) in 2013 and her PhD (Educational Psychology) in 2018 at SUNY-Albany. Between 2013 and 2015, she worked as a Research Specialist at SUNY-Albany at the Child Research and Study Center. She was a part of the ISA-X intervention which addresses motivation, knowledge building, and comprehension. She also worked as a Research Analyst at SUNY- Schenectady for 1.5 years (2018-2019). While working in SUNY-Schenectady she was the Argos (Evisions) project manager and took part in the accreditation evaluation of SUNY-Schenectady. Zehra Allahverdi provided support in defining data points, methods of statistical analysis, and benchmarks in support of strategic planning and institutional effectiveness. Moreover, she has experience working as an Adjunct Professor both at the State University of New York at Albany and at Siena College.
Currently, she teaches selected courses in Educational Psychology, is the Assistant Coordinator of the Disability Center, and the Co-Director of the Psychosocial Development Lab.
Introduction to Psychology
Psychology of Learning
Motivation and Emotions
Critical Thinking in Psychology
Independent Study in Educational Psychology
Eğitim Psikolojisi
Dr. Türkçapar graduated from Hacettepe University School of Medicine in 1990 and completed residency medical training in Psychiatry at Hacettepe University in 1995. After his residency, in 1997, he had cognitive psychotherapy training at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research in the United States in the field of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies. After Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) training at New York Ellis Institute, he was awarded Primary Certificate in 1999 and Advance Certificate in 2008.
He became an Associate Professor in 2000 and a Professor of Psychiatry in 2012. Additionally, Dr. Türkçapar received MA and PhD degrees in Social Anthropology.
He was certified as a Cognitive Therapist by Academy of Cognitive Therapy (ACT) which evaluates proficiency in the field of Cognitive Therapy. In 2003, he was certified as a cognitive therapist by the International Academy of Cognitive Therapy -the Academy of Cognitive Therapy (ACT) - which evaluates proficiency in the field of cognitive therapy. In the same year, he became the Academy's fellow member for his contributions to the field, and appointed to the Academy's certification board in 2005. In 2013, he was certified by the Academy as a Cognitive Behavior Psychotherapy trainer and consultant.
Dr. Türkçapar has published three books, “Bilişsel Terapi Temel İlkeler ve Uygulama” (2007) and “Klinik Uygulamada Bilişsel Terapi: Depresyon” (2009), “Fark Et Düşün Hisset Yaşa” (2019), and over 100 articles in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy. Since 1999, he has conducted training activities for cognitive behavioral therapy professionals in various centers and scientific meetings. He is also the founding editor of the Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research, which includes scientific studies in the same field.
He was the chief of the psychiatric clinic of Ankara Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training Research Hospital between 2005 and 2012 and the founding chief of the psychiatric clinic of Etlik İhtisas Hospital between 2008 and 2011. Dr. Türkçapar is currently the President of the Association of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapies. Between 2012 and 2019 he worked at the Department of Psychology, Hasan Kalyoncu University. As of 2019, Dr. Türkçapar is a Full Professor in Psychology at Ankara Social Sciences University.
Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy, Psychological Disorders
"What fires together, wires together" Daniel Siegel (Mindsight; 2009 p. 40)
Murat Boysan is an experienced clinical researcher and counselor, working as an associate professor at Ankara Social Sciences University. The researcher received a MSc degree in Psychiatry at Yüzüncü Yıl University. Then, he held a master's degree in Biometry and Genetics. He received a PhD degree in Guidance and Psychological Counselling at Ankara University. His academic work includes trauma and stressor-related conditions, circadian rhythm and cognitive vulnerability in psychological problems.
Trauma and stressor-related conditions; Dissociation; Circadian rhythm; Cognitive vulnerability.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasemin Kahya has Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Midde East Technical University (METU), and Master of Science and PhD degree in Clinical Psychology from Hacettepe University. In graduate school, she was trained and supervised in Relational Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Schema Therapy for adults. She has the Basic Level Schema Therapist Certificate, and continues supervision for the Advanced Level Schema Therapist Certificate. She further has theoretical training and supervision in non-directive play therapy for children. She still continues her practice in psychotherapy. International Doctoral Research Fellowship Program (TÜBİTAK 2214-A) awarded her for a one-year lab visit to work with Beatrice Beebe, PhD in mother-infant interaction research area at Communication Sciences Lab, New York State Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University Medical Center at New York City, USA. During this period, she also visited the Center for Attachment Research at the New School for Social Research, and participated in research and training opportunities at this center. She completed formal workshop on Strange Situation Paradigm that measures mother-infant attachment organization in Minnesota, USA and will complete her coding reliability. She also has training on Reflective Functioning on Parent Development Interview at Yale University, New Haven, USA and is a reliable coder of Reflective Functioning (Mentalization), a construct that explains in intergenerational transmission of attachment. She conducts different research in her interest areas. She was a research assistant at METU International Students Office and Hacettepe University Psychology department, and now has her research assistant position at Social Sciences University for Ankara.
Mother-Infant Interaction, Attachment, Parental Reflective Functioning, Self-Development, Interpersonal Relations, Developmental Traumas, and Personality Psychopathology
Tuğba Çapar Taşkesen graduated from Middle East Technical University (METU-2013) and completed her MSc (2016) and PhD (2023) degree in Hacettepe University department of Clinical Psychology.
She worked as a research assistant at Hacettepe University Psychology Department between 2014-2018. Since then, she has been working at Social Sciences University of Ankara.
Post-traumatic Development, Attachment, Self-disclosure about Trauma, Emotion Regulation
CPsychol, DCounsPsy, Clinical Supervisor
SSUA Assistant Professor of Psychology
SSUA Head of Spiritual Care and Counselling Department
Dr Zehra Ersahin is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS) and the UK’s Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC); completing her professional doctoral studies at the University of Manchester. She is the director of Spiritual Care and Counselling Department based at the Social Sciences University of Ankara, working as an assistant professor in the Psychology department; experienced in clinical research with a demonstrated history of working in the mental health care industry. She is skilled in clinical research, online therapeutic work, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, mindfulness, and creative ways of therapeutic work. Her current clinical work involves improving mental health services in Turkey, with a focus on psycho-social growth, spirituality and wellbeing.
Online Psychology and Therapy Childhood Trauma and Family Dynamics Trauma Intervention and Treatment Pluralistic Therapy Psychosocial Adjustment and Post-traumatic Growth Social Cognition Spiritual Counselling Psychological Well-Being
Supervised Spiritual Care and Counselling Practices Psychological Counseling Skills I-II Psychiatric and Spiritual Crisis Intervention Selected Topics in Psychology Readings in Psychology Spirituality and Mental Health Psychology and Religion
Minor, double major and internship coordinator
Dr Hatice Işık is an academic who obtained her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Middle East Technical University (METU). Thereafter, she completed her master's and doctoral degrees in Developmental Psychology at the same institution. In 2014, she began her academic journey as a research assistant at Social Sciences University of Ankara (ASBU). Between 2014 and 2018, she worked temporarily in the Psychology Department at METU before eventually returning to ASBU in 2018. In 2022, Dr. Işık was appointed as an Assistant Professor and continues her academic responsibilities at the ASBU Psychology Department.
Hatice Işık specializes in social development, focusing on gender role development, moral development, family dynamics, emotional regulation and volunteering. She is the author of a number of articles, books and book chapters and has made significant contributions to the field both nationally and internationally. She has also presented her research at a number of major conferences in the field.
"There is no darkness but ignorance." W. Shakespeare
Dr Esra Zıvralı Yarar completed her BSc degree (2010) at Hacettepe University Department of Psychology. She worked as a research assistant in the European Network of National Schizophrenia Networks Studying Gene-Environment Interactions – EUGEI Project and other research studies about psychopathology and cognitive skills. She completed her MSc (2013) and PhD (2017) degrees in Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry at King’s College London, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience. Her rotation work was about autism spectrum disorder and epigenetics. Upon successful completeion of her PhD, she worked as a research assistant at Düzce University, Department of Psychology. Since 2018 she has been working as an assistant professor at Social Sceinces University of Ankara, Department of Psychology, and since 2013 she has been an honorary researcher at the Behavioural Genetics Clinic, Maudsley Hospital.
Autism spectrum disorder, psychopathology, ageing, gene-environment interaction
Risk psychology (PhD)
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